For as long as I am living, I hope to be learning. I have a friend who once taught me that when you do not love the thoughts occurring in your own mind, fill it with the wisdom, experience, and direction of others. Unrest is an opportunity to transform. Here are some of the thoughts, words, and teachings I’ve traded in my own for in recent years.
personal growth, new age spirituality, health/wellness, arts, memoirs, and more:
Big Magic - Elizabeth Gilbert
Everyday Grace - Marrianne Williamson
Conversations with God - Neale Donald Walsch
Sacred Contracts - Caroline Myss
The Anatomy of the Spirit - Caroline Myss
Soul Stories - Gary Zukav
The Seat of the Soul - Gary Zukav
A Course in Miracles
A New Earth - Eckhart Tolle
Soul Coaching - Denise Linn
The Desire Map - Danielle LaPorte
The Gifts of Imperfection - Brene Brown
Expectation Hangover - Christine Hassler
Coming Clean - Kylie Lewis
Spirit Junkie - Gabrielle Bernstein
You Can Heal Your Life - Louise Hay
Medical Medium - Anthony Williams
Idiot’s Guide to Ayurveda - Sahara Rose
I Will Teach You to be Rich - Ramit Sethi
Untamed - Glennon Doyle
City of Girls - Elizabeth Gilbert
Eat, Pray, Love - Elizabeth Gilbert
Two or Three Things I Know for Sure - Dorothy Allison
Bastard Out of Carolina - Dorothy Allison
Self-Help - Lorrie Morre
The Year of Magical Thinking - Joan Didion
Joyce Carol Oates
Things Fall Apart - Chinua Achebe
The Alchemist - Paulo Coelho
Diary of a Crazy Entrepreneur - Mingjie Zhai
On my Radar:
The War of Art - Steven Pressfield
The Artist’s Way - Julia Cameron
When the Body Says No - Gabor Maté
How to Heal Your Metabolism - Kate Deering
Nourishing Traditions - Sally Fallon
All Along You Were Blooming - Morgan Harper Nichols
Heart Minded - Sarah Blondin
Inward - Yung Pueblo
Bird by Bird - Anne Lamott
Humans - Brandon Stanton
Don’t Keep Your Day Job - Cathy Heller
The Instruction - Ainslie MacLeod
The Old Soul’s Guidebook - Ainslie MacLeod
The Untethered Soul - Michael Alan Singer
The Surrender Experiment - Michael Alan Signer
The Body Keeps the Score - Bessel Van Der Kolk
The Biology of Belief - Bruce Lipton
The Power of Intention - Wayne Dyer
Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself - Joe Dispenza
The Wisdom of Insecurity - Alan Watts
a wide gamut of titles and topics regarding multiple facets of Christianity
Glory Invasion: Walking Under an Open Heaven - David Herzog
The Ecstasy of Loving God - John Crowder
Mystical Union - John Crowder
Glory Rising - Jeff Jansen
Power Portals - Joshua Mills
Seeing Angels - Joshua Mills
Developing a Supernatural Lifestyle - Kris Vallotton
Prophetic Third Day Intercession - Bille Reagan Deck
Compelled by Love - Heidi Baker
Expecting Miracles - Heidi & Roland Baker
The Bible
On my Radar:
Creative Chaos - Andre Rabe
Faith Unraveled - Rachel Held Evans
Marcus Borg’s work
So You Thought You Knew: Letting Go of Religion - Joshua Tongol
Shameless - Nadia Bolz-Weber
Out of Sorts - Sarah Bessey
The Universal Christ - Richard Rohr
When the Heart Waits - Sue Monk Kidd
The Dance of the Dissident Daughter - Sue Monk Kidd
Lies We Believe About God - WM Paul Young
The Shack - WM Paul Young
Spiritual Intelligence - Kris Vallotton
Moving in Glory Realms - Joshua Mills
The Resting Place - Bill Johnson
Aligning with Heaven - David Herzog
The Discerner - James Goll
The Seer - James Goll
Immersed in His Glory - Michael Lombardo
The Bible (Mirror translation) - Francois du Toit
Topics: spirituality, psychology, writing, creative arts, entrepreneurship, health, memoir/storytelling, and more
The Balanced Blonde Soul on Fire
Over It and On With It w/ Christine Hassler
Expanded Podcast w/ Lacy Phillips
Your Own Magic w/ Raqelle Mantra
Don’t Keep Your Day Job w/ Cathy Heller
Kylie Lewis Podcast w/ Kylie Lewis
Earn Your Happy w/ Lori Harder
The Melissa Ambrosini Show w/ Melissa Ambrosini
Almost 30 w/ Krista Williams & Lindsey Simcik
Hay House Radio
Soul Talk - Kute Blackson
Let’s Connect With Keith Macpherson
The Survivor Story Podcast w/ Kevin Colbert
With Love, Danielle: Grace for Impact w/ Danielle LaPorte
Live Awake w/ Sarah Blondin
Unlocking Us w/ Brene Brown
The Highest Self Podcast w/ Sahara Rose
Magic Lessons w/ Elizabeth Gilbert
Mitolife Radio w/ Matt Blackburn
Religionless w/ Jeff Turner
The Heretic Happy Hour
Awaken Podcast w/ Michael Lombardo
Exploring Series w/ Shawn Bolz
Kris Vallotton’s Podcast w/ Kris Vallotton
In Pursuit of w/ Rebecca Bender
Fun fact: I am not a movie buff; I will never have solid movie recommendations for you…unless you like totally mindless holiday-based rom coms, twister (1996), or intense docs based on the human condition.
Give me some suggestions below please!